It’s been an interesting last few days: projects on hold, words unwritten, days slipping past. Our household was hit by some sort of stomach bug that claimed all four of us in succession. Us adults are better but the kids are still struggling. We’re doing our best. I struggle with this stop-and-start in life. I…
Month: April 2022
A Treatise on Starting Seeds
Long dark days have passed, shadows pulled into light. As she sorts through packets, latin and common names traipse across her lips, whispers of better times to come. She’s been here before, the place of new Beginnings and second chances not taken for granted though she’s not one to make a fuss. – Fingers dibbing…
Spring Thaw and Energy for Progress
Up here in Northern Ontario, spring is doing its usual flip-flop. A few days ago it was a balmy 7 Celsius and I took my youngest outside to play in just sweaters, which was rather nice after a winter of being bundled up in parkas and covering bare skin wherever possible. It can can get…
Art Imitating Life, a Short Story
The air was soup this morning, the wind momentarily still, allowing the fog to settle in more deeply. The sun was low, just having crested the horizon but blocked by the landmass that was Newfoundland. Oars dipping into the water were the only noise aside from the waves sloshing against the sides of the rowboat. …
What Progress Really Looks Like
It’s April and I’m taking part in Camp NaNo, or as I like to call it NaNoWriMo Lite. This choose-your-own-adventure version of National Novel Writing Month is a chance to work on whatever writing projects your heart desires, set whatever goal feels right and make progress. For me, I’m working on a new sci fi…